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Western Foodies

General Member Spotlight: Roshaan Khan

By: Sarena Akhter

Roshaan Khan was selected for our General Member spotlight after winning our ASMR challenge in November (which were ChungChun Hot Dogs and Maynard Swedish Berries). Excitingly, we were able to meet with him in person to take his photos and get to know him a little better. Continue below to read his brief interview.



1) What is your full name, year, and program?

My name is Roshaan Khan, and a second-year in General Science.

2) Are you a new member of Western Foodies? How did you hear about us?

Yes, I am a new member. I was looking through the clubs that Western offers online. Actually, one of my hobbies is to cook and I love to eat [a winning combination!]. When I was searching up clubs about food, this club came up.

3) What’s your favourite sponsor on the Foodies card this year?

I can't choose a favourite but one that stood out to me was The Cookie Dough Bar [found in Chils in downtown London], which sounds amazing. I love cookie dough ice cream so I have very high expectations about visiting them.

4) What are you hoping to get out of Western Foodies as a member?

I am hoping to meet new people and have opportunities to go to fun events!

5) Tell us one fun story about you and food, e.g., baking, eating out, restaurants, etc.

One time while I was cooking for the week and I decided to make chilli, you know fun and hard to mess up. So, I was like 99 percent done and tasted the food. Thinking it could use a little something, I grabbed one of those spicy grilled chicken seasonings and intended to only sprinkle some in. Turns out, I had opened it from the spoon section instead of the sprinkle section. At least 6 tablespoons fell, after I had already seasoned the whole thing. Oh, well—I added like 7 cups of water and had soup for the next 3 weeks!

6) Any thoughts you’d like to share with the team and club?

I really hope for the club have some more events [when possible]. I'm also a really big fan of club merchandise, and would love something like aprons (like on MasterChef) with the Foodies logo.


Once again, congratulations, Roshaan Khan for winning our challenge. As well, thank you for partaking in this brief spotlight. We had a great time and are excited to have you in our club. Be on the lookout for more cool challenges and events going up this upcoming year!

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